Mitigation Banks

Longleaf Mitigation Bank

The Longleaf bank covers a total of 3,020 acres and straddles three significant watershed basins (Upper St. Mary’s, Middle and Lower St. Mary’s and the Nassau River basin). In addition to these three service area designations, because of the ecological significance of the bank, we can also offset impacts in a fourth basin, the Northern St. Johns River and Northern coastal basin. Several significant water bodies including Deep Creek, Brandy Branch and Crosby Bay flow out from the bank to either the St. Mary’s or St. John’s River.

Permitted in 2003, Longleaf enjoys a competitive advantage in the defined service area due to the number of credits permitted and attributes of a fully permitted wetland bank to provide compensatory mitigation. Plant and wildlife diversity now abounds on the previous pine plantation with over 1,300 acres of protected wetlands and +1,700 acres of uplands providing a diversity of habitat and buffers to the wetlands. The bank has successfully received every annual credit release from the regulatory agencies and we have completed all enhancement and restoration activity as required in the permit. Annual burning is underway to further mimic the historical pine flatwood fire regime.

We invite you to review Longleaf’s current ledger. Credits are available and pricing and terms are available by contacting Bill Schroeder at 904.536.3386 or Email.